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Atlanta Dance Marathons’ Fall Fundraising Push Days

What are “Fundraising Push Days”?

Mid November is known as “Fundraising Push Day Season” for many Dance Marathons across the country. A Fundraising Push Day is a specific time frame (typically around 24 hours) dedicated solely to fundraising. These days are nothing short of inspirational. Year after year, students continue to shatter fundraising records as they make constant asks in honor of their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Over the past few weeks, five Atlanta Dance Marathon programs hosted their own Push Days. As a result, they raised over $296,000 within incredibly concise time spans.

Check out this numbers from the Atlanta DM programs

Celebrating their 25th year as a Dance Marathon program, UGA Miracle executed a 25-hour fundraising day titled “Beyond Limits” starting November 13. This day was about honoring Miracle Kids who have pushed past the limits of a diagnosis and have defied the odds to truly go “Beyond Limits.” On Thursday evening, students gathered on campus to reveal that the organization had raised an incredible $236,715 for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta!

For The Kids at Georgia Tech challenged students to raise $100 each in honor of the 1 in 100 kids born with a heart defect on November 4 and 5. By the end of the day, Georgia Tech students had raised $40,676 for Children’s!


On November 11, Miracle at Kennesaw State University held their first ever “Day Zero” Push Day.  This honored the day bone marrow transplant patients receive their new cells. Miracle at KSU successfully raised $17,187 for kids in the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children’s!

Miracle at the University of North Georgia carried out their “Days of Hope” fundraising push, paying homage to the original name of the organization when it was first created in 2016 – HOPE at UNG. As a result, UNG students raised over $5,000 For The Kids – their highest fundraising push day yet!

Finally, LaGrange College Miracle held their first ever fundraising push, titled “Ignite the Flame,” on November 21st. The  group surpassed their goal and raised over $2,000 for Children’s.

Congratulations to all schools for their amazing accomplishments! Children’s is so grateful for this generation that so fiercely fights for the next.