Credit Unions Annual Chapter Meeting Goes Virtual!
Each year, the Atlanta Credit Unions for Kids Committee comes together to plan the annual August chapter meeting, followed by their notable fundraising Bowlathon event. Due to COVID-19, the Bowlathon and in-person chapter meeting was canceled. That did not stop the group from raising money for the kids!
The committee, along with the Greater Atlanta Credit Unions Chapter Board, came together for an incredible virtual meeting. At the online event, there were door prizes, raffle items, as well as a ‘meet and great’ with one of the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta 2020 Miracle Children, Aubrey English. Aubrey and her mother, Mikeon White, shared their journey at our hospital while raising awareness to pediatric cancer.
Many thanks to this Committee and Chapter for going above and beyond to make this event happen raising a total of over $3,000 benefiting CMN Atlanta and Children’s.