Student Leaders Network at 2019 Southeast Dance Marathon Collaboration Meeting
Over 100 student leaders representing more than 8 southeastern colleges and universities gathered together on Sunday, September 8th at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to share ideas and best practices with other Miracle Network Dance Marathon Programs. The meeting was led by Southeast Dance Marathon Managers Bret Koch and Jenna Jackson. Students were able to dive into relevant dance marathon topics including Stewardship & Participant Communication. The students also discussed the importance of shifting their fundraising strategies to best fit the newest college generation, Generation Z, as opposed to the Millennial generation.
Southeast Dance Marathons raised over $14 Million in 2018 for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Being such an active region , these collaboration opportunities are crucial for students to enable conversations that would not typically happen throughout the school year. Katie Mitchell, Executive Director of Miracle at the University of North Georgia, shared that “talking with other programs about different tabling activities and ways to incorporate traditions that already exist on our campus into our Dance Marathon event gave us so many new ideas to bring back to our campus!”.
Thank you to all of the Southeast Dance Marathons that attended this successful meeting!